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10028 2018-12-26T11:55:25 10 [佳作]
设计师: 黎正文


整體設計風格為現代簡約風,本案主要以白色為主,配以藍色調的元素搭配出意想不到的效果,賦予了整個空間的簡潔氣氛和格調。白色貫穿整個空間的主色調,給人的感覺不止於顏色本身,更多是通過不同層次的材質和顏色搭配組合,透過燈光色溫加以點亮,使它們在同一空間裏相互產生化學反應,營造出其不意的效果。The program is located at 16E, Block 2, Xiao Tan Villa, Taipa, Macau. This unit has an area of approximately 255 square meters.The overall design style is modern and simple. The case is mainly white, with blue tones with unexpected effects, giving the whole space a simple atmosphere and style. The white color runs through the main color of the space, giving people the feeling more than the color itself. It is more through the combination of different levels of materials and colors, and is illuminated by the color temperature of the light, so that they can react with each other in the same space, creating a surprise. Effect.

客廳以白色搭配原木色為基調,不同層次的藍色調和材質質感既點綴空間氛圍同時提升層次和品質感。Living room is based on white and wood color. The different levels of blue tone and texture of the material not only embellish the space atmosphere but also enhance the level and quality.

客廳以白色搭配原木色為基調,不同層次的藍色調和材質質感既點綴空間氛圍同時提升層次和品質感。Living room is based on white and wood color. The different levels of blue tone and texture of the material not only embellish the space atmosphere but also enhance the level and quality.

客廳 Living room

客廳 Living room

客廳 Living room

客廳 Living room

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